
Data-driven decision-making: what it means, what it does (and what’s the point)

Data-driven decision-making and how Intellinexus can help you harness your data potential.

Johannesburg, 02 May 2023

Imagine knowing the solution to a problem before it has even started? Imagine having the ability to create a business strategy that takes these problems into account? Or creating a strategy that’s built on the trends, demands and expectations of the market tomorrow, not today? These are not impossible, they are the very foundations of data-driven decision-making powered by metrics, data, insights, analytics and predictive intelligence. The best part is that the data that sits behind this level of insight and decision-making is at your fingertips. 

In a recent discussion around the value of data-driven strategies in MIT Technology Review, PwC and Microsoft dug into the myriad benefits of data and how it can transform the business, and the top four are:

  1. Personalised customer experiences that translate across physical and virtual environments to ensure that customer engagements and touch points flow seamlessly.
  2. The opportunity to create new revenue streams and find new revenue opportunities through data analysis and insights, exposing gaps and spaces where the organisation can thrive.
  3. Sustainable decision-making driven by measurable insights and information and that can translate across ESG reporting and sustainable business practices.
  4. Improved productivity and innovation through the use of information.

The thing is, you want to be the business that can pivot and dance in the realms of data, but you also want a clear roadmap that will take you through the data in a way that’s both understandable and manageable.

You have the data already, you just need the right tools to find it, harness it and interpret it.

You need strategic data technologists

Intellinexus positions itself as a company that offers you the strategic advisory and expertise you need to combine data and business intelligence to create actionable intelligence that improves the quality of decision-making. Its expert teams have a mastery of data and technology that allows the company to craft strategies that help you truly redefine the value of your data and how it impacts your decision-making. The company says its proven track record and lengthy client list is a testament to how it has helped its clients to become adaptive and data-driven in ways that have transformed their business outcomes and planning. And it does this through the smart application of data and technology, giving you the right tools to leap straight into your data and reshape it to meet your needs.

With Intellinexus, your data turns from stagnant and staid pools of information into real-time actionable insights that provide you with visibility into your business, processes, customers and systems. Using these insights, you can refine customer service and engagement across multiple touch points, and you can improve how you connect with customers in multiple ways.

Discover how Intellinexus can help you make the best decisions with the right data at the right time – and how you can take all this data to become an agile and flexible organisation that can pivot and adapt to uncertainty and complexity.
