
White paper: How much revenue will you save this year?

Johannesburg, 14 May 2018
How much revenue will you save this year?
How much revenue will you save this year?

The latest revenue assurance survey, conducted in 2016 across 146 global participants, revealed that service providers lose over 1.5% of their annual revenue due to revenue and cost leakages. And that's not all, according the latest Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA) survey, conducted in 2017, across the industry traditional fraud contributes to over $29.2 billion of revenue loss each year and cyber fraud is on the rise.

While the need for solutions to reduce revenue leakage and associated business risk isn't new, service providers in the digital world must now contend with much higher levels of complexity. This is true in the business landscape, which demands the release of new offerings an almost a daily basis, as well as for internal processes, which must support the rapid launch and support of these offerings.

As the demand for digital technology continues to grow, and with it the number of channels available to consume them, so do the threats of revenue leakage, fraud and cyber fraud.

Download whitepapers:
Communications Fraud Control Association survey
