
(ISC)2 addresses security

By Loyiso Lindani, Editorial Assistant
Johannesburg, 15 Oct 2012

(ISC)2 exists to exchange knowledge through professional networking, share resources and support professional development, job opportunities and educational programmes.

So said Simphiwe Mayisela, (ISC)2 Gauteng Chapter president, when introducing the four keynote speakers at the Inaugural Event 2012 last week.

Security, cyber crime and forensic investigation were the topics of discussion among the keynote speakers.

On the topic of the unveiling of IPv6, and how it could make security more convenient and upgrade the Internet as the world saw it, David Maskell from BUI highlighted that even though Africa had not reached its capacity on IPv4, the world was making a transition.

"Everyone will need it as we've all had security issues; the unification of intranet in the Internet makes things easier and the goal is for an address base to last for all time, plus, the world is currently moving towards that direction," said Maskell.

He noted the benefits of IPv6 to the evolution of Internet access in SA through its functionality in remote access, adding there should be a gradual introduction, which is taking place.

"We need to analyse existing networks, check with vendors and plan a gradual introduction into IPv6. With ULA and neighbour discovery and some devices already supporting IPv6, it looks as though our lives might change sooner than we think," he added.

T-Systems' Maclaud Mafaiti addressed outsourcing for organisations and mentioned that multi-sourcing is now the way to go, as "it is disciplined and suited for business goals".

"As with any service provider, there are opportunities and challenges; however, multi-sourcing works; as it is a combination of internal and external service providers; internal resources are responsible for security structure and the diversification of risk reduces control and management overhead," he explained.

Most organisations experience insider threats where an employee or service provider will sabotage the organisation, either purposefully or accidentally. A junior employee may not be aware they are accessing critical information, for example.

"Generally, there is a level of trust between employer, employee and service provider, as they sell the organisation's intellectual property in terms of workforce. Businesses face greater security threats when they are coming from legitimate use within the organisation network by either an employee or service provider," he said.

Adapting security assessments to advanced persistent threats was the point of discussion for Harry Grobbelaar, MD of InfoSecurity.

"The catchphrase is advanced persistent threat, where an organisation will have advanced perpetrators that can not only exploit the network, but are persistent [in doing so]," said Grobbelaar.

"A company needs to understand the value of its assets and the money it spends on security; usually it's the medium-sized to large companies with valuable assets that get affected," he added.

Closing off the discussions, Greenmont Forensic Services director Derick de Beer spoke of how an organisation could identify the enemy through a forensic investigation.

"It is critical to understand the enemy with an understanding of the fraud triangle, which entails knowledge of company systems, motivation through financial gain and opportunity using an unattended computer to gain access," he said.

"Forensic analysis can tell you what is there, what is missing, what was there; however, there is a chance it might not be able to tell you all you need to know. I would advise on predictive data analytics to improve control," he concluded.
