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  • Kevin Phillips

Kevin Phillips

Founder and CEO of IDU Holdings.

Kevin Phillips is founder and CEO of IDU Holdings. He has degrees in commerce and accounting, and started IDU with partners James Smith and Wayne Claassen in 1998. He is fast becoming a thought leader in his field, and regularly comments in the media on current affairs affecting business, as well as accounting, finance, budgeting and software. Phillips is a columnist for Accountancy South Africa and AccountingWeb UK, and has been featured in Sunday Times, Business Day, Enterprise Risk, Succeed and Entrepreneur. He has also appeared as a guest speaker on Radio 702, Kaya FM and Summit TV.


WirelessApr 8, 2020

Remote working success depends on people, not just tech

As painful as the pandemic is, it presents an opportunity to test and fine-tune remote working, from the technology aspects, to the HR considerations.

DevicesAug 23, 2019

Reinvent, repackage, rinse, repeat

Think your business isn't threatened by digital disruption? Think again.


The 10X employee

Ensuring we stay one step ahead of the machines is the sweet spot of how we can 10X our careers.

InnovationFeb 7, 2019

Crypto-currencies and the innovation, regulation conundrum

As with crypto-currencies, the speed at which innovation can take hold and outpace regulation is concerning.

BlockchainNov 30, 2018

Blockchain and your right to be forgotten

The promise of blockchain could be undone by recent advances in the protection of personal identification information.

CIO ZoneAug 14, 2018

Don't forget about real life intelligence

Examining the unintended consequence of forgetting people in the age of the machines.

Data ManagementJul 10, 2018

Unintended consequences of POPI, GDPR

Data is at the heart of innovation, but POPI and GDPR might be cutting off, or at least severely curtailing, this lifeblood.

ERP solutionsSept 15, 2009

Best of breed is back

Businesses are beginning to turn away from standard ERP solutions, says Kevin Phillips, MD of idu Software.

TechForumJun 25, 2009

Blind cost cutting accelerates recession

Global head office orders mean local divisions are prevented from making practical business decisions, says Kevin Phillips, MD of idu Software.


Maximise sales tools to optimise budgets

Finance budgeting is important for the planning and management of revenue and expenses - a business cannot run without a concise and accurate estimation of the short- and long-term future.

BusinessMay 16, 2005

Blow the cobwebs off the budgeting process

Without an efficient budgeting system in place that truly reflects every facet of the business, there`s little chance of the organisation achieving effective financial planning.

TechForumFeb 28, 2005

Managers not responsible for budget over-runs

Cost centre managers cannot be held accountable for exceeding a budget they played no active role in preparing, says Kevin Phillips, MD of idu Software.