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  • Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke

Founder and MD, LanDynamix

Peter Clarke is founder and managing director of LanDynamix. He is an ICT specialist with over 20 years’ experience in the technology sector, with an Honours BCom in Information Systems from the University of Pretoria. In 2006, he founded LanDynamix, fulfilling his entrepreneurial passion and vision to fill a gap in the IT market with a unique service offering, namely: always-on risk mitigation.



Two trends take cyber threats to new level

Hacking-as-a-service arises as technology advances and changing work styles demand new approaches to cyber security.


Coping with life in the wild

The emerging anywhere/anytime working model requires a distinctly different security posture to ensure the organisation is resilient in the face of changing security threats.

Cloud ComputingJun 3, 2022

The new way to do disaster recovery

The “as-a-service” model is revolutionising the way organisations procure a lot of things. Disaster recovery is one of them − and for a very good reason.

CIO ZoneOct 15, 2021

New tech to the rescue in cyber security crisis

Cyber security is a constant growing concern for CIOs and CISOs, but the cavalry could be in sight, in the form of artificial intelligence and machine learning.


Networking: It’s all about the business case

The choice between SDWAN and MPLS is not a simple technology discussion − the needs of the business must be properly understood to make the right decision.

CIO ZoneJul 16, 2021

Don’t drive your Ferrari down a dirt road

In our connected world, the network is the business, so be proactive and ensure it is in tip-top shape, as it should be seen as a competitive differentiator.

StorageJul 1, 2021

Can you recover if hit by a ransomware attack?

Ransomware is becoming a fact of business life. A lot of money and effort is going into preventing these attacks, but much too little into ensuring a quick recovery.


Hardware as a service has too many benefits to ignore

The “as a service” mindset transforms the way companies and governments think about IT, as they discover how it supports innovation and enhanced service delivery.


Automation requires upskilling as much of the workforce as possible

A look at what goes into the making of a successful automation journey and the outcomes businesses can expect to achieve, particularly when it comes to the workforce.

Cloud ComputingSept 17, 2020

Planning for ultimate automation success

Automation is set to drive most businesses all over the world in the coming years, so it’s now time to work through the challenges this move will pose to your company.


Cutting through the automation fear

Why automation is so important to business growth and development, and how companies should approach it.


Avoid the legacy trap

An enduring challenge of ICT in business is the speed at which tech develops, and the possibility of finding oneself on the wrong side of (technology) history.