
Amazon offers PS titles

Lezette Engelbrecht
By Lezette Engelbrecht, ITWeb online features editor
Johannesburg, 12 Oct 2009

Amazon offers PS titles

Online retailer Amazon is offering download codes for the PlayStation Network (PSN) via its video game store, reports Digital Spy.

According to Sony, digital access codes for more than 200 titles are currently available to purchase via the Internet store. Additional content is expected to be added in the future.

"We are excited to expand our current library of video game platform downloads," said Amazon vice-president Paul Ryder. PSN's senior vice-president of marketing Peter Dille added: "With more than 600 million pieces of content downloaded to date, consumers are turning to PlayStation Network more than ever for digitally distributed entertainment content.

The iPhone gets rocking

Rock Band's unstoppable march toward dominating every gaming platform will soon include the iPhone, as EA Mobile announced that the popular music game will make its App Store debut later this month, writes Macworld.

Rock Band lets users progress from an unknown artist to rock superstar by tapping along to popular songs. In the iPhone version from EA Mobile, they can choose to play as a drummer, guitarist, bassist, or vocalist at any one of three difficulty levels.

Rock Band for the iPhone promises to let users play solo or play with friends via the Bluetooth multiplayer features introduced with the iPhone 3.0 software update. EA Mobile hopes to make this game the first full-band multiplayer experience on the iPhone.

Games conference predicts trends

Digital distribution is poised to outstrip traditional retail sales within three years and 40% of companies within the games sector are unprepared for the rate at which this shift will take place, states MCV.

These are just two of the claims that will be made by speakers at the London Games Conference, which takes place at BAFTA on 27 October. The conference will look at every aspect of this seismic shift within the industry with speakers drawn from the development, publishing, retail and distribution communities.

Nick Parker, of Parker Consulting, will provide an overview of how the digital map is set to change over the next few years. He believes 2013 and 2014 will be the likely dates for the next generation global launches respectively from Microsoft and Sony, and that, as a result, traditional box product sales will begin to fade from 2010.
