
Android app lets parents control children's screen time

Lauren Kate Rawlins
By Lauren Kate Rawlins, ITWeb digital and innovation contributor.
Johannesburg, 02 Oct 2017
Family Link lets parents monitor how much time their child spends on their phone.
Family Link lets parents monitor how much time their child spends on their phone.

Google has created an app which lets parents remotely monitor how their child spends time on mobile devices.

In an increasingly connected and digital world, it is common for children under the age of 13 to own a smartphone or have access to a tablet. However, free access to everything the Internet has to offer and unlimited screen time may not be healthy for developing minds.

Family Link by Google's Android is an app that helps parents negotiate this space.

"Kids are the most curious among us, and technology can be an avenue for them to express their creativity and to help them learn ? whether they're doing research for a school report, learning to string together a few chords on a guitar, or just playing their favourite games," says Saurabh Sharma, Android product manager for kids and families.

"At the same time, we want parents and kids to navigate technology together in a way that makes sense for their family."

Family Link requires the parent to create a Google Account for their child when setting up the child's Android device. If the child is under 13, the parent will be asked to provide consent to create the account. The parent then downloads the Family Link app onto their smartphone.

From the Family Link app on the parent's phone, they will be able to manage the apps their child uses. The parent will be notified when the child tries to download a new app and the parent can approve or block it.

The app also shows parents how much time their child spends on their favourite apps, with weekly or monthly activity reports. Parents can set daily screen time limits for their device.

Parents are also able to set a device 'bedtime' and the smartphone will switch off at a predetermined time. Parents will also be able to remotely lock the child's device, such as when it is time to eat, study, or get ready.

"Family Link can help you set certain digital ground rules that work for your family, whether you're occasionally checking in on your kid's device activity, or locking their device every day before dinner time," says Sharma.

The app also lets parents check their child's Android device location.

Family Link is currently only available in the US. Google is looking into expanding the offering to more countries.
