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  • DVT, Algolia in search-as-a-service tie-up

DVT, Algolia in search-as-a-service tie-up

Sibahle Malinga
By Sibahle Malinga, ITWeb senior news journalist.
Johannesburg, 31 Jan 2024
Karl Fischer, chief marketing officer, DVT.
Karl Fischer, chief marketing officer, DVT.

Global software and data engineering company DVT has signed a strategic partnership with artificial intelligence (AI)-powered search-as-a-service provider Algolia, to offer its customers search-as-a-service solutions.

According to a statement, this will see the integration of Algolia’s search-as-a-service platform with DVT’s experience as a systems integrator and implementation partner, offering clients the opportunity to upgrade their online customer experience and increase revenue.

Algolia’s AI search and discovery platform enables search and discovery capabilities for e-commerce players and organisations needing to improve their customer experience on their website and digital platforms, by using advanced search tools.

Founded in 2012, Algolia says it enables 1.75 trillion search requests a year, allowing over 17 000 business customers in more than 150 countries to build fast and relevant search and discovery experiences for their in-app users and/or online visitors.

Karl Fischer, DVT chief marketing officer, explains: “Through this partnership, DVT enables customers to leverage Algolia's advanced search and AI capabilities to achieve improved sales in the digital channel.

“Even without the AI component, customers will implement a search-as-a-service function that delivers individually tailored online shopping experiences that enable improved online experience, more appropriate recommendations and alignment with shoppers' expectations, while driving online experience, engagement and sales conversions.”

Founded in 1999, DVT provides business software solutions to clients worldwide.

Algolia says its platform uses large language models – the same technology underpinning ChatGPT and generative AI – and goes a step further with its neural hashing for hyperscale, which constantly learns new capabilities.

Discovery commerce, coupled with advanced search tools, has been touted by experts as a game-changer in the online content space, helping retailers and companies offering online-based services to increase their turnover.

“Search-as-a-service offers clients a progressive roadmap for implementation that takes into account their online status and systems deployed in respect to B2C and their own B2B solutions,” comments Fischer.

“The South African market has already made significant progress toward leveraging AI-enhanced solutions. In some sectors, such as banking, this has been under way for several years already, while other sectors are just beginning to explore the use cases that offer them efficiency and potential insights from the technology.”

DVT says it is investing in strengthening its partnerships with customers.

“We are looking to guide customers to value, not hype. This means practical application in how our team members operate daily, including access to knowledge bases and assistance with the integration of bots to enable clients to leverage AI-enhanced capabilities in their daily activities,” concludes Fischer.
