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eBook: The ultimate guide to customer support productivity

Johannesburg, 11 Jun 2020

Customer support is one of the most critical functions of any business. In a time where there is little differentiation between competitors in terms of product and price, the quality of customer experience has become a key driver of growth across industries. That’s why Gartner predicted that by 2019, more than 50% of organizations will redirect their investments to customer

experience innovations. But, improving customer experience doesn’t mean one-off events that delight a small group of your customers. In order to truly build trust and loyalty with your customers, you need to offer consistent, reliable and efficient support.

Customers no longer want to wait for a long time to speak to an agent over the phone or e-mail. They hate being passed on from one agent to another, and having to repeat themselves with each new agent. They want quick action, and even faster resolution. As a result of this, the use of automation, bots and self-service in customer support has seen an upward trend. These solutions are designed to improve the productivity of support teams and enable them to deliver an amazing customer experience.

In this eBook, you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What are the different factors that influence productivity in customer support?
  • What are the best practices you can follow to ensure maximum productivity from your support team?
  • How can you use a helpdesk solution to prioritise issues, automate repetitive work and improve processes?
