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Happy customers, healthy bottom line: The ROI of investing in customer experience with 1Stream CX

Happy customers become loyal brand advocates.
Happy customers become loyal brand advocates.

In today's competitive environment, prioritising customer experience (CX) is no longer a luxury, it's a strategic investment. Studies by Gartner, a leading research firm, show companies prioritising CX achieve a double win: 60% higher customer satisfaction and a 13% higher return on investment (ROI). [1]

Think about it: frustrated customers who encounter long wait times, disconnected service interactions and a lack of personalisation are more likely to churn. Meanwhile, happy customers become loyal brand advocates, driving repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Introducing our 1Stream CX platform: Mastering every interaction

1Stream is a customer experience (CX) specialist with over 16 years in the industry. We understand CX is the backbone of business success, impacting every touchpoint from initial contact to post-sale interactions. That's why we created 1Stream CX, an all-in-one platform designed to bridge the gap between sales, marketing and customer service. 1Stream CX seamlessly connects you to your employees, systems and customers – all in one place.

This comprehensive platform includes:

  • Omnichannel engagement hub: Manage all customer interactions efficiently, whether it's phone calls, e-mails, chats or social media messages.
  • Workflow automation: Automate repetitive tasks to free up your agents' time to focus on complex issues and provide personalised service.
  • Ticketing system: Streamline issue resolution with a centralised ticketing system that tracks progress and ensures accountability.
  • Built-in CRM: 1Stream CX eliminates the need for separate CRM software by offering a robust CRM solution directly within the platform.

Powered by cutting-edge AI and automation

1Stream CX goes beyond traditional call centre functionalities by leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to enhance your entire customer experience across all channels. Here's how:

  • Omnichannel smart routing: Intelligently route enquiries – whether received by phone, e-mail, chat, WhatsApp or social media – to the most qualified agent based on skillset, availability and even the content of the enquiry itself. This ensures faster resolution times and a more personalised experience for every customer.
  • AI-powered self-service: Implement intelligent chatbots to answer basic questions and resolve simple issues across various channels, freeing up human agents for more complex interactions.
  • Contact optimisation: Route enquiries to the best agent for faster resolution, suggest optimal call times for higher connection rates, automatically switch to alternative channels (e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp) if a call can't be connected.

The ROI of 1Stream CX

1Stream CX equips you with the tools and technology to craft a seamless, personalised customer experience that directly translates to business growth.

Loyal customers are more valuable because they repurchase and become brand advocates, driving repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing. According to a McKinsey & Company report: "The Value of Customer Loyalty", a mere 5% increase in customer retention can lead to a profit increase of 25%-95%. [2]

By focusing on creating positive experiences that turn customers into loyal advocates, 1Stream CX empowers you to unlock significant revenue growth potential for your business.

Contact 1Stream today to learn more about how 1Stream CX can help you achieve your customer experience goals.

[1] Gartner Customer Experience Management (CEM) Industry Report, 2024

[2] McKinsey & Company report, "The Value of Customer Loyalty"


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Bruce Von Maltitz