
The IITPSA has a proudly South African heritage of more than half a century of serving the South African body of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) practitioners and professionals. Established in 1957 by a few like-minded ‘computer professionals', registered in 1958 as a limited company (then converted to a Section 21 company, now Not-for-Profit Company (NPC)), the IITPSA has grown into a body that is reinventing itself in the twenty first century.

IITPSA members are to be found in virtually every province in South Africa, with the main concentrations being found in Gauteng, the Western Cape and KwaZulu Natal. In each of these areas, the IITPSA has a Chapter (or Branch), run by an elected Chapter Chair and his / her elected Committee members. The Chapter Chair is an ex officio member of the IITPSA Executive Council, which, together with the Board of Directors, forms the main Governing Body of the Institute.

The main objectives of the IITPSA are captured in the Constitution and Articles of Association with the IITPSA's take-out line being "promoting the ICT professional”. This means that the Institute represents the interests of its members with Commerce, Industry and Government and seeks to help influence policy formulation in a positive way, in the interests of all of its stakeholders. In addition, it encourages the growth of professionalism and professional use of ICTs throughout the South African economy.

In the last 18 Years, IITPSA has played an active role in the formation of the Sector Education & Training Authority, the development of Unit Standards, the compilation of the BEE ICT Charter and the promotion of the industry in the SAVANT programme.